taekwondo instructors
The enthusiastic instructors at east side taekwondo work with Master Michael Ellis to offer children, youth, and adults exciting, comprehensive martial arts training. Our professional instructors are accredited members of the World Taekwondo Federation.

Jonathan Kwong

Jonathan Kwong is a 2nd Dan black belt and UBC student studying computer science and creative writing. Jonathan joined east side taekwondo as an instructor upon moving from Calgary, Alberta, where he earned his black belt. Jonathan teaches youth classes (5:15pm) on Mondays and Wednesdays with a strong emphasis on training, particularly sparring techniques.
Ella Simmons

Ella Simmons has an extensive background in gymnastics and mixed martial arts. She joined east side taekwondo as a student after moving to Vancouver to pursue stunt work in the film industry. Ella rapidly progressed through taekwondo belt levels; she is currently a black stripe and is working towards her black belt. In addition to teaching at east side, Ella is a gymnastics instructor at Phoenix Gymnastics. She offers a cross-discipline approach to classes. She teaches children and youth classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-6:30
Senior-level students are encouraged to become peer mentors for lower belt levels and/or younger kids, and often contribute to class instruction by demonstrating movements and leading exercises. Youth volunteers track their hours as part of their high school volunteer-hours requirement.
As students progress through belt levels, they will be called upon to lead segments of their classes as part of their training. This in-class leadership fosters self-confidence, responsibility, and teamwork and is a component of progression through taekwondo belt levels.
Programs are conducted in a safe and positive environment. We are LGBTQ+ friendly. Come in for more information and begin your journey towards health, fitness, and personal safety.